Acclaim Environmental is a Commercial and Domestic Pest Control company. With the recent owner having retired the new management wanted to push the company forwards with a focus on their high-quality commercial and domestic pest control.
Working together we looked at the existing website, its performance and the customer engagement on the website. We also looked at the ideal target customer. The client was keen to start work on a website explainer video that would promote their company in a friendly and accessible way without too much heavy industry speak. The video focused on the importance of keeping a food company’s pest control status up-to-date.
Together we devised a script and created an animated web video that identifies with how the food factory manager might be feeling with their certification coming up for annual renewal.
The resulting video stars Ed, a food factory manager who realises that the deadline is fast approaching for his annual factory audit. Scouring the internet – as his last company let him down – he finds Acclaim Environmental on hand to help him. The job is done efficiently and swiftly and his stress levels drop! The serious message of the legal requirements of annual pest certification are shown in a fun but friendly way.
We make it easy to get an animated web video for your business. Find out how we can work with you to produce a web video for your business that will promote your services in a professional and accessible way.
Call us on 0333 444 0283 (also free from mobiles) – help set your company apart from your competition.